Wesley Thomas
Guest Advisory Board Member

Born in Washington, D.C., Advocacy Speaker Wesley Thomas is an alum of Taft Junior High and McKinley Technical High School, spent two years at the University of the District of Columbia—and experienced 29 years of unsheltered homelessness.
Miriam’s Kitchen was the first place that Wesley had a meal on his second day homeless. “It was my safe haven,” he says. With help provided by the street outreach team, he decided to take back his life. He attended smart recovery meetings and has been clean for 6 years now. “Once I got my apartment, I used the opportunity and blessing to pay it forward and to give back to those who are still sleeping on the street. Miriam’s Kitchen invested in me and trusted me. They gave me a platform.”
Wesley dedicates significant time, energy, and effort to ensuring that others do not fall into the cycle of homelessness and provides resources and connections for those currently experiencing homelessness. “A lot of my friends are no longer here. But there are a lot still on the street.” He’s helped 32 people get their own apartments and connected many others to services in D.C.
“People have a stereotype about homeless people. I function. I have to be on the go, on the go, on the go. That’s just who I am,” he says with a welcoming laugh. Thomas had the pleasure of connecting with his favorite, bestselling author Patricia Cornwell during 2022 at MK.