MK’s Street Outreach Team seeks out and supports the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach people experiencing homelessness.
Operating under the District of Columbia Department of Human Services’ Comprehensive Street Outreach Network (CSON), Miriam’s Kitchen Outreach provides Homeless Street Outreach Services to unsheltered individuals throughout our 33 square-mile catchment area (nearly half of D.C.). Our territory includes Ward 5 north of Rhode Island Avenue, all of Wards 4, 3, and 1, and the majority of Ward 2, including the National Mall.
MK Street Outreach Case Managers provide intensive case management services with an emphasis on obtaining permanent housing to a dedicated caseload of clients while connecting them to behavioral and physical health services, social security benefits, and employment. In addition, MK Street Outreach Case Managers also provide general ‘light touch’ street outreach across our territory, distributing essential items such as sleeping bags and blankets, hats, socks, gloves, snacks, and water, with the aim of getting to know and building rapport with every single unsheltered individual in our catchment area.
MK Street Outreach also endeavors to build strong relationships with our community partners by being responsive to community concerns.

Hours of Operations
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM (11:00 PM during Hypothermia Alerts)
Shelter Hotline
Transportation to shelter is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during hypothermia season (November 1 – March 31). If you see someone outside in need of shelter or a welfare check, call the Shelter Hotline at (202) 399-7093 or dial 311. If there is an immediate risk to safety call 911. When calling, please include the time, the address or location of the sighting, and a description of the person’s appearance.